Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Why culinary travel should be part of everyone's life adventures

John Denboer has often said how he has been extremely fortunate that the two greatest adventures of life, which is food and travel, have gone hand-in-hand. And he firmly believes everyone should experience a culinary journey.
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The truth of the matter is that over 30% of the expenses of tourists go to what they eat. Over the past two decades, there has been a rise in the number of American tourists traveling to try out new food. This trend in culinary travel doesn't seem to be going anywhere but up, and that's how it should be.

Trying out new food is a huge part of anything on a trip. It contributes to a person's memory of a place. From the once-in-a-lifetime experience of eating live octopi to the combination of aromas in exotic curries to the preparation of fine dining courses in some of the most sophisticated establishments in the world, food shapes journeys as it has shaped cultures.

In many instances, John Denboer adds, food can be a challenge. There is an endless menu of exotic dishes everywhere in the world with legends and lore all to their own. This makes things all the more exciting and culinary travel, all the more worth spending time, money, and effort for.

Why culinary travel should be part of everyone's life adventures

John Denboer has often said how he has been extremely fortunate that the two greatest adventures of life, which is food and travel, have go...